The false assertion that the ancient Macedonians were their ancestors and not Greeks; and with texts of the forgers of the History of Macedonia that have no relation to the historical truth. which the Skopjans deceitfully acquired with the publication of the provocative,and lacking elementary seriousness,book of the military leaders of Skopje with the title "28 centuries of glorious military history of the Macedonian people",in which, among other things, they present unacceptable and contrary to the historical truth assertions, teaching the officers that as Macedonians they defeated the Greeks in Chaeronia, in Granico and lssus. !!!(sic !)
-The characteristic but also revealing incident mentioned in the book "Memoirs"by the former President of Democracy Mr Kiro Gligorov(p.259) that at the reception which took place in New York on the day following the recognition of Skopje as an independent State, a group of young people from Australia told him:"You spoke but you didn't mention the most important thing, that "we are the descendants of Alexander the Great""!!!. This could be interpreted that we denied our origin, our ancestors". 'l found it difficult to answer immediately(Gligorov continues in his book) and I finally said to them:
"You know I respect your thoughts and beliefs. lt is your right.But according to the history of the Macedonian people the view that prevails is that we are Slavs.
We came from the Balkans in the 6th and the 10th century and settled down on a land called Macedonia. I do not know to what extent runs in our veins a drop of Greek blood" !
It is verified from the above that this Democracy with the usurped Greek names Macedonia""Macedonians"not only can it not fulfil the basic principles of the EU, namely respect for the democratic principles and stability in the region, but it also offends the science of history.
The historical truth
The historical truth about Macedonia does not concern only the Hellenic world, but also every European. Truly, not accidentally the lnstitute of ForeignAffairs of Sweden, in conjunction with the Lund University in their dissertation of 1955"The identity of Macedonia"wrote:"All of us and the European Ministers must realise that the History of Macedonia is not only the History of the Greeks, but also of us the Europeans,because the Macedonians disseminated the Greek civilisation in Europe which influences us even today".
Nation of Skopje" was not accidentally chosen. The assertion of the Skopjans that they are "Macedonians",that they represent "Macedonian Nation", that there is "Macedonian Minority"and that the Macedonians are not Greek, constitutes the big gestpoliticaland historical fraud in World History.
In 1944 Tito and Stalin conceived it deceitfully aiming at the extraction of Macedonia from Greece, in order to control the Aegean, which with the powerful Communist parties of France and ltaly during the Cold War would have influenced the whole of Europe.
The first one who condemned the formation of the Democracy of "Macedonia" was Stettinius, Foreign Minister in the Roosevelt government who, with his No.868614126.12.1944 circular addressed to the Ambassadors and Consuls of the USA, gave them instructions to inform everybody that the American government regards as demagoguery the existence of "Macedonian nation", Macedonian consciousness".These assertions represent neither national nor political reality and they have as target the distraction of part of Greece"
On the 23rd June 1992 the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs of the USA,Thomas Niles, in a statement to a Sub-committee of the Congress regarding developments in Europe,after he had declared that the Former Yugoslavian
Democracy of Macedonia should change name, added:"lt is historically proved that this Democracy was fabricated by Stalin, Tito and Dimitrov with the specific target the stealthy removal of part of Northern Greece. Moreover, this false democracy was used in the period 1944-1949 for the destabilisation of Greece". (Newspaper ELEFTHEROTYPIA, 24th June 1992 of the correspondentin Washington Dimitris Dimas)
Herodotus,(1,581),which characterise a nation. Namely they had the same
language with the rest of Greeks. The same sanctuaries and gods whose
abode was the Macedonian Mountain Olympus.
It would be inconceivable to think that the Greeks would have had their
Gods' abode in a non-Greek area. The 9 Muses also came from mountain
Pieria of Macedonia.
The Macedonians, like all Greeks, took part in the Amphictyony and the Olympic games.The President of the First International Olympic games of 1896 that took place in Athens was Dimitris Vikelas from Veria of Macedonia.
The identity of the Macedonians as Greeks,verify the sacred texts of the Old and New Testament,texts of ancient Greek, Hebrew and Roman writers and thousands of Greek Inscriptions.
The Central lsraeli Council of Greece with a letter on the 11th January 1993 to the World Hebrew Conventions and Councils mentions clearly
."The Jewish religion and philology constitute the irrefutable witnesses of the ancient ethnological character of Macedonians as Greeks"
"The ancient and contemporary Macedonians are Greek and the language
of the Macedonians is Greek", declared with unanimous decrees the
Legislative Bodies of 14 States of the USA .
The above historical truth confirmed the 15 leaders of the EU in June 1992
at the Summit Meeting of Lisbon where they unanimously resolved to
recognise Skopje on condition that they would not have the word
"Macedonia". The issue was put at the time by the Macedonian President of Greek Democracy Costantinos Karamanlis wrote in his letter of the 3rd January 1992 that "The ethnological compositions of the Former Yugoslavian Democracy of Macedonia comprised Slavs, Albanians, Gypsies who had no relation whatsoever to the Macedonians".
The ethnological composition of the inhabitants of Skopje as Slavs
(Bulgarians and Serbs) confessed also their former President Mr. Kiro
Gligorov with his statement: "We do not claim Alexander. We are Slavs."
On the 15th March 1992(Newspaper STAR of Toronto)
On the 24th February 1999 the Skopjan Ambassador to Canada Yordan Vassilinov in an interview to the newspaper "CITIZEN"of Ottawa admitted: We are not related to the Northern Greeks, who have produced leaders such as Philip and Alexander the Great. We are Slavs and our language is akin to Bulgarian.There is some confusion about the identity of the people of my country.
The historical truth is expressed also by Henry Kissinger' s statement in 1992
"Greece is right about the name. I say this because I know history, which is not the same with Ministers and High Officials in Washington. History is Greece' s strong weapon.
The so -called"Macedonian Language"
It is well understood those who know the Bulgarian language can read texts of the "so called Macedonian language"and understand the Skopjans".
The language of the Macedonians was Greek. Aristotle wrote his books in Greek. Euripides who was a guest at the Pella palace of the Macedonian king Archelaos wrote his tragedies"Bacchae"and"Archelaos"in Greek. Apostle Paul spoke and wrote his epistoles to the inhabitants of Thessalonikiand Philipous in Greek. Alexander and his successors disseminated the Greek civilisation and established the Greek as the sole language of the people
Thousands of old coins in your museums and international museums are written in pure Greek Language and not any other languages confirming that the real language was Greek and only Greek
President George Rallis in an article publishedin Frankfurt and in the newspaper (TO VIMA) on the 22nd December 1992 wrote, among other things; <
The Secretary General of Greek Communist Party, Charilaos Florakis,stated in Thessaloniki in 1988 that: "There is no Macedonian minority"and consequently disproved the assertion that there is"Macedonian Nation".
Few years ago skopjans erected a statue of Alexander the Great in the town Perlepe and in a hotel near the Statue they have a map of "our Macedonia" occupied by Greece (!) and the Sun of Vergina is also shown
The State Tobacco Industry of Skopje produced and circulates cigarettes with the picture of Alexander the Great with subtitle the word"Macedonia"on the packet and changed name of their airports using Great Alexander family tree names
Skopje for centuries (inantiquity)was the capital of Dardania,to which Kossovo also belonged; that is why Rugova upon his return to Kossovo declared that he would call his democracy as Dardania.
All those who have visited the archaeological sites and the Museums of
Macedonia have immediately understood the truth.
The late French President Francois Mitterand, following his visit to Vergina in
1992, declared: "l did not know about the excavations, nor could I imagine there would be such strong Greek presence here."
Following the two Balkan wars of 1912 and 1913 and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, most of its European held territories were divided between Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia. The territory of the modern Macedonian state was then named Južna Srbija, "Southern Serbia". After the First World War, Serbia became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. In 1929, the Kingdom was officially renamed the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and divided into provinces called banovinas. Southern Serbia, including all of what is now the Republic of Macedonia, became known as the Vardar Banovina of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.territorial aspirations: We would note that in 1929, in an effort to submerge unruly local identities into a unified Yugoslav nation, King Alexander of Yugoslavia named the region the Vardarska province, after the major river that runs through it. See, for example, the Yugoslav stamp of 1939 with the ancient Paionia labeled with the name VARDASKA
“The Department of State has noted with considerable apprehension increasing propaganda rumors and semi-official statements in favor of an autonomous Macedonia, emanating principally from Bulgaria, but also from Yugoslav Partisan and other sources, with the implication that Greek territory would be included in the projected state. This government considers talk of Macedonian ”nation”, Macedonian “Fatherland”, or Macedonian “national consciousness” to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic nor political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece.”
[Source: U.S. State Department, Foreign Relations vol viii,
Washington, D.C., Circular Airgram (868.014/26Dec1944)]
Of course Macedonia is Greek for thousands of years. Of course you live in Vardarska, called Paeonia in ancient times. But ofcourse you should feel proud for being Slav, for speaking a Bulgarian dialect! And last but not least, you are right, your new nation has absolutely nothing, I mean with the ancient Greek city state of Macedonia or Alexander the Great!
See here all the evidence you need in your Bulgarian dialect:
Most recent scholar, 368th, to add his signature was:
1 Scholar added on September 10th 2010:
Alastar Jackson, Hon. Research Fellow in Ancient History, Manchester University (U.K.)
The funny thing is, after all this, I am not even bothered by you guys, for now I know that you are so hopelessly lost in Tito's propaganda. So ignorant one should truly feel sorry for you.
The Greek VETO of bucharest seems doesnt bother you very much- due to the fact that Bulgaria (your homeland) has entered succesfully in the EU , and thousands of citizens of your country (Skopje) have rushed to Bulgaria and obtained Bulgarian Passports , claiming that they are of Bulgarian origin-and confirming they are slavs of Bulgarian origin so they can travel to EU without Visa
Shortly all Skopjians citizens will get bulgarian passports -and if this happens, Skopje no need to enter in EU
We Greeks feel proud that we are Greeks-
Cannot understand why you are not feeling proud of your Slav -or Bulgarian origin?
The false assertion that the ancient Macedonians were their ancestors and not Greeks; and with texts of the forgers of the History of Macedonia that have no relation to the historical truth. which the Skopjans deceitfully acquired with the publication of the provocative,and lacking elementary seriousness,book of the military leaders of Skopje with the title "28 centuries of glorious military history of the Macedonian people",in which, among other things, they present unacceptable and contrary to the historical truth assertions, teaching the officers that as Macedonians they defeated the Greeks in Chaeronia, in Granico and lssus. !!!(sic !)
-The characteristic but also revealing incident mentioned in the book "Memoirs"by the former President of Democracy Mr Kiro Gligorov(p.259) that at the reception which took place in New York on the day following the recognition of Skopje as an independent State, a group of young people from Australia told him:"You spoke but you didn't mention the most important thing, that "we are the descendants of Alexander the Great""!!!. This could be interpreted that we denied our origin, our ancestors". 'l found it difficult to answer immediately(Gligorov continues in his book) and I finally said to them:
"You know I respect your thoughts and beliefs. lt is your right.But according to the history of the Macedonian people the view that prevails is that we are Slavs.
We came from the Balkans in the 6th and the 10th century and settled down on a land called Macedonia. I do not know to what extent runs in our veins a drop of Greek blood" !
It is verified from the above that this Democracy with the usurped Greek names Macedonia""Macedonians"not only can it not fulfil the basic principles of the EU, namely respect for the democratic principles and stability in the region, but it also offends the science of history.
The historical truth
The historical truth about Macedonia does not concern only the Hellenic world, but also every European. Truly, not accidentally the lnstitute of ForeignAffairs of Sweden, in conjunction with the Lund University in their dissertation of 1955"The identity of Macedonia"wrote:"All of us and the European Ministers must realise that the History of Macedonia is not only the History of the Greeks, but also of us the Europeans,because the Macedonians disseminated the Greek civilisation in Europe which influences us even today".
Nation of Skopje" was not accidentally chosen. The assertion of the Skopjans that they are "Macedonians",that they represent "Macedonian Nation", that there is "Macedonian Minority"and that the Macedonians are not Greek, constitutes the big gestpoliticaland historical fraud in World History.
In 1944 Tito and Stalin conceived it deceitfully aiming at the extraction of Macedonia from Greece, in order to control the Aegean, which with the powerful Communist parties of France and ltaly during the Cold War would have influenced the whole of Europe.
The first one who condemned the formation of the Democracy of "Macedonia" was Stettinius, Foreign Minister in the Roosevelt government who, with his No.868614126.12.1944 circular addressed to the Ambassadors and Consuls of the USA, gave them instructions to inform everybody that the American government regards as demagoguery the existence of "Macedonian nation", Macedonian consciousness".These assertions represent neither national nor political reality and they have as target the distraction of part of Greece"
On the 23rd June 1992 the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs of the USA,Thomas Niles, in a statement to a Sub-committee of the Congress regarding developments in Europe,after he had declared that the Former Yugoslavian
Democracy of Macedonia should change name, added:"lt is historically proved that this Democracy was fabricated by Stalin, Tito and Dimitrov with the specific target the stealthy removal of part of Northern Greece. Moreover, this false democracy was used in the period 1944-1949 for the destabilisation of Greece". (Newspaper ELEFTHEROTYPIA, 24th June 1992 of the correspondentin Washington Dimitris Dimas)
Today it is the only remnant of Tito' s fabrication a fact, which the EU cannot ignore.
Macedonian Nation neither existed nor does it exist
The Macedonians were Greek.They had all the elements, according toHerodotus,(1,581),which characterise a nation. Namely they had the same
language with the rest of Greeks. The same sanctuaries and gods whose
abode was the Macedonian Mountain Olympus.
It would be inconceivable to think that the Greeks would have had their
Gods' abode in a non-Greek area. The 9 Muses also came from mountain
Pieria of Macedonia.
The Macedonians, like all Greeks, took part in the Amphictyony and the Olympic games.The President of the First International Olympic games of 1896 that took place in Athens was Dimitris Vikelas from Veria of Macedonia.
The identity of the Macedonians as Greeks,verify the sacred texts of the Old and New Testament,texts of ancient Greek, Hebrew and Roman writers and thousands of Greek Inscriptions.
The Central lsraeli Council of Greece with a letter on the 11th January 1993 to the World Hebrew Conventions and Councils mentions clearly
."The Jewish religion and philology constitute the irrefutable witnesses of the ancient ethnological character of Macedonians as Greeks"
"The ancient and contemporary Macedonians are Greek and the language
of the Macedonians is Greek", declared with unanimous decrees the
Legislative Bodies of 14 States of the USA .
The above historical truth confirmed the 15 leaders of the EU in June 1992
at the Summit Meeting of Lisbon where they unanimously resolved to
recognise Skopje on condition that they would not have the word
"Macedonia". The issue was put at the time by the Macedonian President of Greek Democracy Costantinos Karamanlis wrote in his letter of the 3rd January 1992 that "The ethnological compositions of the Former Yugoslavian Democracy of Macedonia comprised Slavs, Albanians, Gypsies who had no relation whatsoever to the Macedonians".
The ethnological composition of the inhabitants of Skopje as Slavs
(Bulgarians and Serbs) confessed also their former President Mr. Kiro
Gligorov with his statement: "We do not claim Alexander. We are Slavs."
On the 15th March 1992(Newspaper STAR of Toronto)
On the 24th February 1999 the Skopjan Ambassador to Canada Yordan Vassilinov in an interview to the newspaper "CITIZEN"of Ottawa admitted: We are not related to the Northern Greeks, who have produced leaders such as Philip and Alexander the Great. We are Slavs and our language is akin to Bulgarian.There is some confusion about the identity of the people of my country.
The historical truth is expressed also by Henry Kissinger' s statement in 1992
"Greece is right about the name. I say this because I know history, which is not the same with Ministers and High Officials in Washington. History is Greece' s strong weapon.
The so -called"Macedonian Language"
It is well understood those who know the Bulgarian language can read texts of the "so called Macedonian language"and understand the Skopjans".
The language of the Macedonians was Greek. Aristotle wrote his books in Greek. Euripides who was a guest at the Pella palace of the Macedonian king Archelaos wrote his tragedies"Bacchae"and"Archelaos"in Greek. Apostle Paul spoke and wrote his epistoles to the inhabitants of Thessalonikiand Philipous in Greek. Alexander and his successors disseminated the Greek civilisation and established the Greek as the sole language of the people
Thousands of old coins in your museums and international museums are written in pure Greek Language and not any other languages confirming that the real language was Greek and only Greek
President George Rallis in an article publishedin Frankfurt and in the newspaper (TO VIMA) on the 22nd December 1992 wrote, among other things; <
The Secretary General of Greek Communist Party, Charilaos Florakis,stated in Thessaloniki in 1988 that: "There is no Macedonian minority"and consequently disproved the assertion that there is"Macedonian Nation".
Few years ago skopjans erected a statue of Alexander the Great in the town Perlepe and in a hotel near the Statue they have a map of "our Macedonia" occupied by Greece (!) and the Sun of Vergina is also shown
The State Tobacco Industry of Skopje produced and circulates cigarettes with the picture of Alexander the Great with subtitle the word"Macedonia"on the packet and changed name of their airports using Great Alexander family tree names
Skopje for centuries (inantiquity)was the capital of Dardania,to which Kossovo also belonged; that is why Rugova upon his return to Kossovo declared that he would call his democracy as Dardania.
All those who have visited the archaeological sites and the Museums of
Macedonia have immediately understood the truth.
The late French President Francois Mitterand, following his visit to Vergina in
1992, declared: "l did not know about the excavations, nor could I imagine there would be such strong Greek presence here."
Following the two Balkan wars of 1912 and 1913 and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, most of its European held territories were divided between Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia. The territory of the modern Macedonian state was then named Južna Srbija, "Southern Serbia". After the First World War, Serbia became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. In 1929, the Kingdom was officially renamed the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and divided into provinces called banovinas. Southern Serbia, including all of what is now the Republic of Macedonia, became known as the Vardar Banovina of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.territorial aspirations: We would note that in 1929, in an effort to submerge unruly local identities into a unified Yugoslav nation, King Alexander of Yugoslavia named the region the Vardarska province, after the major river that runs through it. See, for example, the Yugoslav stamp of 1939 with the ancient Paionia labeled with the name VARDASKA
“The Department of State has noted with considerable apprehension increasing propaganda rumors and semi-official statements in favor of an autonomous Macedonia, emanating principally from Bulgaria, but also from Yugoslav Partisan and other sources, with the implication that Greek territory would be included in the projected state. This government considers talk of Macedonian ”nation”, Macedonian “Fatherland”, or Macedonian “national consciousness” to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic nor political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece.”
[Source: U.S. State Department, Foreign Relations vol viii,
Washington, D.C., Circular Airgram (868.014/26Dec1944)]
Of course Macedonia is Greek for thousands of years. Of course you live in Vardarska, called Paeonia in ancient times. But ofcourse you should feel proud for being Slav, for speaking a Bulgarian dialect! And last but not least, you are right, your new nation has absolutely nothing, I mean with the ancient Greek city state of Macedonia or Alexander the Great!
See here all the evidence you need in your Bulgarian dialect:
Most recent scholar, 368th, to add his signature was:
1 Scholar added on September 10th 2010:
Alastar Jackson, Hon. Research Fellow in Ancient History, Manchester University (U.K.)
The funny thing is, after all this, I am not even bothered by you guys, for now I know that you are so hopelessly lost in Tito's propaganda. So ignorant one should truly feel sorry for you.
The Greek VETO of bucharest seems doesnt bother you very much- due to the fact that Bulgaria (your homeland) has entered succesfully in the EU , and thousands of citizens of your country (Skopje) have rushed to Bulgaria and obtained Bulgarian Passports , claiming that they are of Bulgarian origin-and confirming they are slavs of Bulgarian origin so they can travel to EU without Visa
Shortly all Skopjians citizens will get bulgarian passports -and if this happens, Skopje no need to enter in EU
We Greeks feel proud that we are Greeks-
Cannot understand why you are not feeling proud of your Slav -or Bulgarian origin?
Finally I wish you reply me using Greek language written by your hand so we can see your Greek language teached by the Greek Aristotelis to Great Alexander that you are claiming was your King and whos name is ALEXANDROS (100% Greek name) and not ""Alexandrovich""
As regards the name of Skopje we have a solution that might helps
and please consider "REPUBLIC OF MONKEYDONIA"
Capt George Dimas